List of Speaker Participant
No | Name | Institution | Article code | Title of Paper | Category |
91 | Rizqa Devi Anazifa | Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta | 12 | The Development of Online Flipped Classroom using Problem Based Learning based on Socio-scientific Issue to Enhance Student’s’ Scientific Literacy and Biological Ethic Awareness | Biology Education |
92 | Serly Anggraini Listianingrum | Yogyakarta State University | 11 | Training Numerical Skills of Student Using Electronic Modul in Distance Learning Activities | Physics Education |
93 | Yessi Prihartina | Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta | 10 | Literature Review of Learning Media on Chemical Bonding Material | Chemistry Education |
94 | Qamariah | Banjarmasin State Polytechnic | 9 | The Validity of Fister Apps based on Augmented Reality for Electrical Enggineering Students | Physics Education |
95 | Fitriani Agustina | Departemen Matematika ITB | 8 | European Put Option Model Up-and-Out Constant Barrier and Exponential Barrier with Fuzzy Parameters | Other |
96 | Elisabeth Rukmini | Bina Nusantara University | 7 | The Indonesian Adapted Measurement Tool: A Valid and Reliable Tool to Measure Classroom Emotional Climate | Chemistry Education |
97 | Wildan Navisa Barra | Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta | 6 | The Effectiveness of PhET-Assisted Inductive Thinking Learning Model on Students' Critical Thinking Skills and Curiosity Attitudes | Physics Education |
98 | Dwi Kameluh Agustina | Doctoral Program, Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia | 5 | Knowledge of Villagers about the Bioecology of Fruit Flies (Bactrocera spp) Based Learning Development Citizen Science | Biology Education |
99 | Irani Hoeronis | Universitas Siliwangi | 4 | Virtual Reality Design as Teaching Material for Local Potential Biodiversity in Tasikmalaya | Biology Education |
100 | Sunardi | Program Studi Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | 3 | Analysis of Physics Teaching Subjects That Can Be Potentially Taught Using Bifocal Modeling Practicum | Physics Education |