Presenters 2021
No | Name | Institution | Title of Paper |
1 | Ahmad Risal Patappa | Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta | Development of physics worksheet with Discovery learning-STEM to improve student problem solving skills |
2 | Asyari Nurul Fitri | Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta | Analysis of Android Media Development Needs in Green Chemistry-Based Chemistry Learning |
3 | Rizki Zakwandi | Master of Physics Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia | Exploring the Effect of Problem-Solving Laboratory on Computational Thinking Skills in Physics Class |
4 | Desy Purwasih | Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta | Analysis Potential Types of Spices in Banjar Cuisine as a Science Learning Resources in Junior High School |
5 | Munasprianto Ramli | UIN syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta | Teaching chemistry experiments using interactive video via cloud meeting |
6 | NANIK YUNIASTUTI | SMA NEGERI 2 YOGYAKARTA | Improving Critical Thinking Ability and Biology Learning Outcomes in Senior High School with the Science Technology and Society Approach with the Assistance of E-LKPD |
7 | Mifta Ramandhani Pujiningtyas | Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta | Developing an Augmented Reality-Based Immune System Module to Improve the Eleven Grade Students’ Learning Performance |
8 | Veronika Yeni Setyo Tri Nugraheni | Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta | The Development of 2-Dimensional Augmented Reality Integrated Physics E-Book to Improve Problem Solving Skill |
9 | Rosalita Anggi Suryanto | Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta | The Development of Augmented Reality Integrated E-Worksheet to Improve Problem-Solving Skills |
10 | Poppy Sari Dewi | Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta | The Development of Augmented Reality 2D Integrated E-Worksheet to Improve Mathematical Representation Ability |