Presenters 2021
No | Name | Institution | Title of Paper |
21 | Miftahul Jannah | Universitass Negeri Yogyakarta | Study of the students’ curiosity relationship, interest and motivation in chemistry learning: Literature Review |
22 | OKTIAN DIRA SAPUTRI | Graduate School of Biology Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Yogyakarta State University | Analysis of Students' Learning Independence in Biology subject of SMAN 1 Jetis as an Impact of Online Learning during Covid-19 Pandemic Reviewed based on Students' Gender |
23 | ANGGI SEPTI WARDANI | Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta | The Effect of Physics Student Worksheets Based on PjBL to Increase Learning Interest in Class X Students in Vocational High School |
24 | Dias Setyawan | Universitas Negeri Malang | Need Analysis of Local Potential-based Modul of Biodiversity Materials for High School Students |
25 | Ade Wulan Ramadhani | Yogyakarta State University | Online Learning: A Comparison of Self-Regulation Students High School Based on Gender Differences in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era |
26 | Indayana Ratna Sari | Yogyakarta State University | Chemical Teachers Perception About Chemical Literacy, Cognitive Learning Strategies, and Self-Efficacy in High School Students |
27 | Dewi Fairuz Zulaikha | Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta | STEM-PBL with Integration of Local Wisdom in Physics Learning: Teachers' Perspective |
28 | Habibah Khusna Baihaqi | Master Program of Physics Education, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta | Analyzing Students Participation to Carrying Out Scientific Approach Stages Using Diffraction and Polarization E-book |
29 | Maulana Malik Irsyad | UNY | Teacher’s Perception on Emergency Online Learning: A Survey in High School Biology Classes |
30 | Najma Hayatun Nisa | Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta | Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) Analysis of Animal Physiology Lecturer Depending on Students Perceptions |