List of Speaker Participant
No | Name | Institution | Article code | Title of Paper | Category |
41 | Emirul Zukhruf Alkazmi Dirja | Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta | 154 | Utilizing household organic wastes as a precursor for carbon nanomaterials to achieve sustainable waste management: Challenges and outlook | Physics |
42 | Sandra Anggita Sari | Diponegoro University | 153 | Assessment of pm10 and pm2.5 exposure variability in tofu manufacturing areas using corn cobs as fuel | Other |
43 | Muzayyinah | Universitas Sebelas Maret | 152 | Green Campus Implementation and Challenges in Education and Research in Indonesia | Other |
44 | Yusup Maulana | Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | 151 | Student Worksheets as a Tool for Developing 4C Skills: Implications for Sustainable Science Education in Elementary Teacher Education | Other |
45 | Indriani Ekasari | Research Center of Ecology and Ethnobiology- National Research and Innovation Agency Republic of Indonesia | 150 | Floristic composition and structure of Dipterocarps habitat in Dramaga Research Forest, Bogor, Indonesia | Biology |
46 | Ciptono | Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta | 149 | The Role of Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens) Larvae in Fresh Coffee Fruit Decomposition to Enhance the Organoleptic Parameters of the Roasted Coffee Beans | Biology |
47 | Ratna Prabawati | Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong | 148 | Analysis of Toxic Effects of Smilax sp. Solution on Behavioral Changes and Mortality of Rasbora argyrotaenia Fish | Biology |
48 | An Nuril Maulida Fauziah | Unesa | 147 | Does Engineering Design Process Blended Learning models practical in training the critical thinking skills of prospective science teacher students? | Science Education |
49 | Dwi Larasaty | Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | 146 | Facing Environment Issues in Indonesia: Teacher Role to Increase Student’s Environment Literacy | Other |
50 | Tutut Nurita | Universitas Negeri Surabaya | 145 | Constructing Students' Argumentation Skills through Understanding by Design (UbD) Strategy from Wiggins & Mc Tighe on Vibration Learning | Science Education |