Call For Papers

Registration open: 15th May 2024

Full-paper submission deadline: 15th July 2024

On behalf of the committees, we warmly invite you to participate in The International Seminar in Sciences and Education (ISSE) 2024 that will be held by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta on September 19th – 20th, 2024, with a theme of "Enhancing Quality of Science Research through International Collaborative Research: Leveraging Local Wisdom for Achieving Sustainable Development Goals." This refined theme emphasizes the critical role of interdisciplinary science in addressing complex global challenges. This approach aims to contribute significantly to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by fostering international research collaborations that respect and integrate local wisdom. It highlights the importance of combining diverse scientific disciplines, encouraging global partnerships, and valuing indigenous knowledge systems as vital for sustainable development. The Seminar will be fully conducted offline at Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The selected paper will be published in AIP Conference Publishing, Indexed by Scopus, SJR 2023 0.15.



The scope of this conference are:

  1. Physics, Instrumentation, and Energy
  2. Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry
  3. Biology, Biochemistry, and Biomedicine
  4. Environment, Human Ecology, and Environmental Education
  5. Education for Sustainable Development Goals, Science Education, and STEM Education