Call For Papers

Registration open: 30th May 2022

Full-paper submission deadline : September 1st, 2022

On behalf of committees, we warmly invite you to participate in The International Joint Seminar ISIMMED-ISSE  that will be held by Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta on November 11th – 12th 2022, with a theme of “New Thought, Research, and Practice of Mathematics and Science Education in the post-pandemic era". The Seminar will be fully conducted online (Virtual Conference).



The conference welcomes paper with an included topic, but not limited to:

  1. Science Education
  2. Chemistry Education
  3. Biology Education
  4. Physics Education
  5. Pure sciences content areas (all branches including interdisciplinary)
  6. Teacher Education in sciences
  7. STEM Education in Sciences